Live music, intuitive readings, participatory Samhain ritual, workshops, make-and-take crafts, food, and more.
The following schedule is current as of 10/15/09 and is subject to change.
10:00 Festival Opens
11:00-11:45 Dawn Hunt "Kitchen Witch Workshop"
12:00-12:45 Jimahl Di Fiosa "Spirit Communication"
1:00-1:45 Karagan "Chanting: The Ancient Art of Sound"
2:00-2:45 Kevin Ross Emery "Meeting Your Spirit Guides"
3:00-4:00 The Gypsy Nomads
4:30-5:30 Christopher Penczak "The Witch's Shield: Protection Magick
and Psychic Self Defense"
5:45-Close Samhain Ritual (Lyrion and Raven Ap Tower)
Celebrate Samhain is an all-ages celebration of the final harvest and ancestors past – filled with magic, music, crafts, and merriment. Be entranced by the bewitching music of a gypsy troupe; browse the wares of mystical vendors; learn something new in a variety of free talks and workshops; make and take home your own magical crafts; enlist a reading by a gifted intuitive; drum, dance, or sit and be enchanted by Druid storytelling; and observe the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain in a traditional, earth-centered ceremony that honors those who have gone on before... - October 25, 2008
$2 or donation of nonperishable food
All Ages
For directions please visit