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Event Profile : Michigan >> New Salem Corn Maze
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There is much to do for the whole family at the Lenhart farm, just a few of our fall fun center attractions include: Corn Maze! Test your directional skills as you navigate your way through the twists and turns of our corn maze...we hope to see you on the other end. Hay Rides We'll take you where you want to go on the back of our luxurious farm wagon...ALL ABOARD! Pumpkin Patch It wouldn't be Autumn without ole Jack would it? We've got 5 acres of pumpkins to chose from!

Website : www.witchesofnewsalem.com

4516 24th Street
Dorr, Michigan, 49323

Contact Phone : 616-681-2342
Email : info@witchesofnewsalem.com

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There is much to do for the whole family at the Lenhart farm, just a few of our fall fun center attractions include: Corn Maze! Test your directional skills as you navigate your way through the twists and turns of our corn maze...we hope to see you on the other end. Hay Rides We'll take you where you want to go on the back of our luxurious farm wagon...ALL ABOARD! Pumpkin Patch It wouldn't be Autumn without ole Jack would it? We've got 5 acres of pumpkins to chose from!


Check our website for special events. Sunday afternoons local musicians gather for a jam session featuring country and bluegrass favorites. Hours: Sept. 28th - Oct. 30th Monday - Friday (scheduled groups & parties) Weekends: September 26th thru October 31st (Saturday & Sunday - 11:00am until dusk) The Haunted Corn Maze will begin at dusk and run until midnight (last tickets sold at 11:00 p.m.) groups and parties scheduled - contact for appointment Regular maze: under 3 - free 3 - 9 yrs $5.00 10 yrs and up - $7.00 Haunted woods: $13 Haunted maze: $13 plus $1 refundable deposit for flashlight or bring your own Enjoy The Haunted Maze and Woods together for $20.00

A day time maze for all ages and a separate haunted night time maze for the bravehearted. At night the maze is haunted by cornstalkers. There is also a haunted woods with a different theme. There are many more activities for children and families during the daytime, including farm animals to pet, kids' rides, music, and more. Group visits are available throughout the week by appointment. Call for special deals and to reserve times. Corn Maze Test your directional skills as you navigate your way through the twists and turns of our corn maze...we hope to see you on the other end. Petting Zoo Get close up and friendly with some of the animals down on the farm at Jeff's Petting Zoo. Hay Rides We'll take you where you want to go on the back of our luxurious farm wagon...ALL ABOARD! Dont forget the pumpkin patch! Pumpkin Patch It wouldn't be Autumn without ole Jack would it? We've got 5 acres of pumpkins to chose from! HAUNTED CORN MAZE During the month of October, our corn maze will be taken over by creatures of the night...you will be taken on your journey through the maze by your own guide. The haunting begin around dusk. - late September through Halloween

11 AM until midnight

see website

All Ages

US 131 to the Dorr exit, turn west onto 142nd Ave. Go approximately 5 miles to 24th street, turn north onto 24th, go approximately 1.5 miles, the farm is on the left

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