Can Texas survive the Nazi Zombie invasion?
Come and shoot to Kill Zombies in an Interactive laser tag 3D Haunted House
Nazi zombies and all kinds of zombies back from the dead all seeking revenge and havoc!!
Dr’s and nurses, Zombies American Infected Soldiers with gas masks,School kids with gas masks, Laboratory Army Zombies, Animal Zombies from Movie, Raggedy Ann and Andy Zombies, Cave Demons from actual Movie “The Desent”, Darkstalker, and Captain Spaulding Zombie. Come and see if you can escape BATH SALT OUTBREAK... - Oct 4 through Nov 1st
12 online
All Ages
Highway 183 and Crystal falls Parkway .. Take 183 and turn on Crystal falls then Left on Leander Dr.
Take Toll 183A exit Crystal Falls turn right on Leander Dr go down one block .